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Uncover the Power of Vision Boarding for a New Perspective on Wellness

Vision Boarding

My old therapist introduced me to the concept of a vision board for the first time. Although I was familiar with it and noticed that some of my friends enjoyed arts and crafts, I was unsure how to approach it myself. She advised me to start by using magazines, not focusing too much on the end result, and allowing my heart to lead the process. She suggested that we could explore what was emerging for me through visualization and creative activities. Physical images and words serve as strong prompts, reminding us that it is acceptable to have "hope" and to articulate our aspirations and desires in life.

What is Vision Boarding?

Vision boarding is essentially creating a visual representation of your aspirations, dreams, future, values, and objectives. I frequently suggest this activity to clients who have an interest in arts and crafts and are feeling stuck in their lives. I was amazed by the final projects of some clients because these boards revealed their true desires that were often concealed by feelings of depression and anxiety. Many believe that vision boarding is beneficial as it serves as a reminder of our potential despite facing challenges in life. Moreover, engaging in the creative process of vision boarding can be an enjoyable experience.

Self care and wellness.

How does a vision board contribute to our emotional well-being? Personally, a vision board helped me during a period of feeling lost due to work-related stress, when I was uncertain about my life goals. Surprisingly, my final vision board depicted a career-oriented woman relaxing on the beach. I allowed my intuition to guide the process, rather than consciously selecting the images and words that ended up on the board. Returning to the topic of wellness, when you participate in vision boarding or arts and crafts, you are either consciously or subconsciously envisioning a positive future or desires. Studies indicate that engaging in enjoyable arts and crafts activities can reduce stress levels and enhance overall emotional well-being.

Occasionally, I jot down things that are important to me, which has assisted me in clarifying my fundamental beliefs. Creating a vision board is a method to nurture what genuinely holds significance for YOU. Engaging in creativity and connecting with your authentic aspirations and principles encourages us to reflect more deeply on our existence.

Creating Your Vision Board

Creating my first vision board was a revealing experience for me, and I could even describe this simple art project as a life-changing one. Wondering how to begin? I gathered various magazines, such as fashion and tabloid ones, and got myself scissors, glue, and a large board from a nearby art supply store. This activity is excellent for self-care, so I recommend dedicating some quiet time for yourself to work on it. It can also be beneficial to involve your partner in the process. Select images and words that resonate with you and inspire you. Don't overthink the selection of images or words. If any words evoke feelings of joy, focus on that emotion.

To declutter, carefully select images and words that bring you joy, paying attention to how each resonates with you. Release any expectations or concerns about others' opinions, and let your creativity flow from your heart. The chosen items will serve as a source of inspiration.

How often should I create it?

It varies. Whenever I achieved a new milestone, I would swap out outdated words that were no longer relevant with new ones and explored different themes. This was possible because I didn't design my vision board with a single objective of revealing my future and desires. You have the option to either update the existing board as you see fit or create a new vision board when pursuing a new goal or reaching another milestone. My former therapist advised me to place the board where I could see it daily. Surprisingly, it became my grounding point, allowing me to reflect on myself daily, and this transformative vision boarding activity can shift your perspective.

Embracing Wellness Through Vision Boarding

With our busy lives, I encourage everyone to make time to create a vision board to explore what resonates with them. If you aim to focus on self-care, consider making it the central theme of your vision board. This tool serves as a reminder of why self-care is important and empowers you to prioritize your well-being.

Creating a vision board is a valuable method to acknowledge your emotions and showcase your true self. Personally, my vision board is an essential part of my self-care routine. How about yours?

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