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Updated: Sep 18, 2023

I talk about self-care a lot during my therapy sessions. I get various responses from clients but it is really important to understand that there is no right or wrong way to do self-care. Self-care looks different depending on your unique needs, interests, schedule, occupation, hobbies, family, culture, history etc. I am aware of the recent "self-care" trends. I want to clarify this. Self-care is not all about going to a spa, nail salons, getting massages and about spending money. Of course, at times these activities are needed for many of us and getting massage is linked to relaxation, calm and reduced muscle tightness so it has both physical and emotional benefits.

But if you currently do not have a job and you are struggling to make ends meet, getting massage weekly may not be possible and in fact, there are other self-care activities that you can do for your body and mind. So what is self-care?

Self-care is about taking the time you need to do what is best for your physical health as well as for your mental health. Self-care is self-preservation and it is about working toward wellness and that's what sustains us through challenging times.

That is why, self-care is more than just going to a spa, buying the latest video games, electronics or traveling to exotic places and taking bubble bathes.

I wanted to share a list of self-care activities that I personally use and recommend to my clients.

1) Hydration and eating healthy: Water sustains us. Even as little as 2% fluid loss can negatively impact your concentration, memory and reaction time. It is not uncommon for those who struggle with anxiety and depression to lack appetite and cannot eat. I ask them to consciously stay hydrated. If you are unable to eat, get smoothes. You can mix greens, blueberries, banana etc to make a healthy smoothie. This website has a list of nutritious smoothies and how to make these.

A balanced diet gives you more energy, nutrition that can sustain your mind and body. Cut back on sugar, alcohol, caffeine.

2) Exercise: When we think about self-care, exercise is not something that comes up as part of self-care routine for many of us. Rigorous exercise is linked to our brain's endorphins. Movement is the key to your overall wellness. If you are depressed and/or anxious, the last thing you want to do is to get out of bed or couch to hit the gym, but exercising gives us many physical and emotional benefits. Apparently exercising for 45 minutes 3 to 5 times a week can be as effective as anti-depressants and exercise itself can make the antidepressants more effective, thus alleviate the severity of anxiety and depression. And it is up to you what kind of exercises you would like to do. Try to find movement activities that you actually enjoy, otherwise it can be challenging to commit to that eacg week.

3) Medical appointment: Certain conditions including diabetes, thyroid disease can cause depression and anxiety. We can't really separate mental health from physical health because the mind-body connection. It is a good practice to get an annual wellness exam. If you have chronic health conditions, you may need to see your specialist more frequently. Attending to your health through annual check-up is recommended even for those who do not have health conditions.

4) Sleep: Sleep is crucial yet a lot of people struggle with sleep. Practice good sleep hygiene to improve the quality of life. During REM sleep, it is said that strong emotions are processed and your mind and body are healing through good night's sleep.

5) Support system: Reach out to your supportive friends and family members when you are feeling down. Strong support system is a protective factor against mental health conditions, and strong social support can help you to ride the waves of anxiety and depression. Practice setting healthy boundaries with others and still work toward building your support system.

6) Pleasurable activities: Engage in at least one or two unhealthy pleasurable activities that are fulfilling and meaningful for you. Activities include volunteering at the animal shelter, arts & crafts, spending time in nature, journaling to self-reflect. Exercise can be part of pleasurable activities.

7) Therapy: I personally believe that everyone can benefit from therapy. If you are noticing changes in mood, schedule an appointment with a therapist. It is good to have a safe space to process your thoughts, feelings and behaviors and therapy can be uncomfortable at times especially if you experienced trauma. Trained psychotherapist can guide you through self-care journey. If you are on psychiatric medication, take them as prescribed and therapy can help you to heal from adverse childhood experiences, explore unhelpful thought patterns and to identify barriers to practicing self-care.

8) Savings: This can be very challenging considering the economy. Eliminating financial stress can help you to focus on other areas of self-care. Try to create a budget, spend more mindfully and if you have a tendency to spend money impulsively, it is good to take a step back and ask yourself if you really need it right now. This strategy is necessary if you are living paycheck to paycheck. Financial stressors can significantly impact your mental health.


9) Check in with yourself and listen to your body: It is important to take a break to check in with yourself and mindfully attend to your body.

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