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Narcissistic Personality Disorder

This is a very complex condition. Multiple factors including genetics, environmental factors, trauma, parenting styles and family dynamics can all contribute to the development of narcissistic traits in individuals. My close friend dated a "narcissist" during college years and his lack of empathy, grandiosity, lies, endless needs for admirations shocked her. Of course the relationship did not last for more than 3 months. Here are a few ways in which parents or primary caregivers may play a role:

  1. Parent exhibiting narcissistic traits.: Children often learn by observing their parents' behaviors and communications.

  2. Critical parents: If parents excessively criticize their children, they can internalize criticisms, develop incoherent sense of self and end up needing constant validation later in life. This does not pertain to narcissistic personality disorder.

  3. Parents constantly praise: Parents who excessively praise their children without setting appropriate boundaries, teaching them the consequences of certain behaviors can lead to children developing self-centered behaviors later in life. Overvaluation can lead to an inflated sense of self-importance, while devaluation can lead to feelings of inadequacy.

  4. Inconsistent parenting: Parents who split and constantly overvalue and then undervalue their child's self-worth can significantly lead to the development of narcissistic traits and even NPD. They may feel empty inside in their adulthood.

  5. Lack of boundaries: This can lead to an excessive sense of entitlement and a disregard for others' needs and wants. When children do not learn appropriate boundaries they may struggle to develop healthy empathy and engage in exploitative behaviors.

These are some of the things that I have witnessed through my personal interactions with a few people who appeared to exhibit narcissistic traits. Again, NPD is a very complex condition and if you suffer from one, I advise you to schedule an appointment with a therapist that specializes in this specific condition. Moreover, it is important to recognize that not all children raised by parents with narcissistic traits end up developing NPD. NPD is often shaped by a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors.

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