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Ikigai (生きがい)

Updated: Jul 7

Ikigai means "finding purpose or meaning in life. In Japanese society, someone with ikigai is known to enjoy overall well-being, including mental health.

It Is good to revisit the concept of Ikigai from time to time.

  1. Meaningful purpose: This concept empowers everyone to find a purpose in their lives

  2. Ikigati gives us a clear sense of purpose.

  3. Engage with others with ikigai and flow: find a community that your ikigai is valued. This type of community can improve a sense of meaning, belonging, empowerment.

  4. Stress reduction: Many of are so busy at work, doing the same over and over and if you are unable to switch jobs, try to see from different angles.

  5. Ikigai is about finding joy in day-to-day activities because these activities are meaningful to you.

Ikigai is based on individual and what individuals find in their own ikigai varies depending on the person. I used to not have clear "ikigai", doing the same routine at work every single day and I was content but was not fulfilled because I did not know my ikigai. If you live a life with ikigai, it would be more fulfilling and even the most mundane duties assigned to you at work is not the end of the world because you are able to see a big picture due to ikigai and a lot of people evaluate if certain activities are their true ikigai fro time to time.

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