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How to Navigate Political Discussions During Family Gatherings

Updated: Jul 7

Family Gathering

Lately, political discussions have been taking place during family gatherings. It is normal to have your uncle and aunt supporting the party that you don't want to have anything to do with. That is why political discussions are taboo because it can stir up strong emotions and some family members can get very intense.

But then how helpful is it to just not talk religion, politics and what matters to you with your family members especially when you don't see them too often. That is why it is crucial to find ways to have a meaningful conversations and it is ok to agree to disagree or to openly disagree with your views as long as it is done in a respectful manner.

If you haven't seen your family members, you don't want to jump right into the heated political debate and it is helpful to start with casual conversations in order to set a open tone that can lead to more serious political conversation. After all, we live in a very diverse society and this gives us a chance to listen to each family member's viewpoints and try not to judge that. Instead extend curiosity toward that member.

If your family members are prone to heated argument, perhaps you can establish a fair discussion rules and cultivate the unity among the family members from various political beliefs.

It is easy to speak over someone who is supporting the candidate you cannot stand. But take a breath and try to practice active listening. This could give you a chance to get to know your family member and even try to understand from his perspectives. By not talking over each other, engaging in active listening with curiosity will lead to more open welcoming yet courageous space for family members to just express thoughts and feelings on what is going on politically in this country.

Religions and Politics are sensitive topics and it is easy to start judging someone who does not agree with you and even treat them disrespectfully. But it will not accomplish anything anf it will not be helpful either. I will never forget the one thanksgiving dinner I attended, our uncle started to get very emotional about certain political topic and it became very hostile at some point. At that point, we needed to take a break and obviously we all needed to validate him and redirect to common grounds.

Some family members are not longer talking or spending time together during holidays because of political fallout, and it is understandable. But instead, try to look for shared values or goals and think about why this person was so fixeated on this policy and reality. Sometimes, intense feelings can be neutralized with openness and curiosity.

Also, it is important to know your limit. Certain policies and political discussions are off limits for certain members or if the conversation is so heated and is no longer constructive and meaningful, it is ok to redirect and step away. I also noticed my other relatives doing an awesome job of using humor to make a point during one of those heated political discussions. As long as the humor is respectful and not dismissive or offensive, it can be a powerful group coping strategy .

Another strategy is to try to learn from your opponent's viewpoints. Where are they getting these info? Political discussion does not always have to end with win or lose. It is not about proving your point, but rather it gives you a chance to expand your knowleege and ability to engage in uncomfortable conversations so that you can contribute more insights and engage conversations.

Again, navigating political discussions during family events are not easy. But with the right attitude, it is possible to share meaningful insights, learn from each other and understand as a family unit that they are stronger because of their ability to embrace each other's opposing views. We can let empathy and civility guide your possibly challenging conversations with your family members..

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