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Embracing the Unknown and Uncertainty:

Change is inevitable and nothing remains permanent. Dealing with uncertainty can be challenging as some individuals prefer to stick to uncomfortable situations rather than face the unknown. The pandemic served as a significant trial for all of us. Each day required us to confront uncertainty, fear, stress, and tragic news, forcing us to consciously choose to focus on our priorities. This was my personal coping mechanism throughout the crisis. Excessive worry proved unproductive and unending, prompting the realization that seeking assistance, processing emotions, and accepting the unavoidable were necessary steps forward.

Accepting the Inevitable

Uncertainty is part of our lives that we cannot avoid. Nothing really comes with certainty. We do the best we can and hope for the best with realistic expectations. Many of us plays this "what if?" games, but how do you know if that would even work? The sooner we accept this reality: Uncertainty is an inevitable part of life, the less stress our lives will become.

Reality is that we often can't control most things in our lives. We can choose to eat healthy meals, exercise, take good care of our health, attend to our emotional wellness, but we cannot control how others may react to us, tragedy could happen, there are no guarantees in our lives. By accepting and welcoming uncertainty, we can create more room for things that actually matter to us. We can focus on new opportunities and growth.

How do we accept the stress of uncertainty or cope with such stress?

The purpose is to train our mind to become more resilient. By slowing down and practicing mindfulness skills, you can: 1) identify stressors, 2) observe your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations without judgment, and 3) describe them with curiosity, compassion, and without judgment. During this exercise, our focus is on the present moment. If you experience anxious feelings in your body, you can engage in slow deep breathing, grounding exercises, or slow movements, which can be beneficial.

Journaling your thoughts and feelings as part of your self-reflection/self-care routine helps develop self-awareness and resilience. This is not a linear process. Some days may feel stagnant, but simply sitting with uncomfortable feelings brought by uncertainty without rushing to conclusions or impulsive actions indicates progress!

Setting Realistic Expectations

During uncertain times, it is important to establish practical expectations for both yourself and others. While you may be inclined to prepare for the future or make an exit plan, accepting the reality and acknowledging that things may not always go as planned can foster personal growth and resilience. By embracing this mindset, we teach our minds and bodies that setbacks are not catastrophic. Ultimately, by adapting to evolving circumstances or embracing uncertainty, we can nurture resilience.

Seeking Better Opportunities in Uncertainty

I experienced a setback in my career recently. Although it was difficult to deal with the uncertainty, my intuition urged me to take action. Before acting, I took the time to reflect on my emotions and thoughts with an open heart. Despite the discomfort, I managed to identify the root of the issue by tapping into my inner wisdom and following my instincts. While uncertainty may seem like a setback, it can also present opportunities for personal growth and new possibilities. Witnessing how some of my friends transformed their lives during uncertain times inspired me. They used these challenges as a springboard for change and innovation in their professional lives. When faced with uncertainty and adversity, many of us are able to think creatively and find solutions beyond conventional boundaries.

Harnessing the Power of Adaptability

Flexibility and adaptability are two powerful tools especially in work settings. Pandemic period puts many of us in remote positions and many companies are still doing a few times a week in person or hybrid work policies. What I hear constantly is the uncertainty and professionals who are able to adapt to changing yet uncertain situations well will build more resiliency, gain self-efficacy on a personal level.

Be gentle with yourself!

Embracing the unknown can be difficult as our minds often crave certainty. Therefore, developing resilience in the face of uncertainty may sound appealing, but it's important to recognize that this can be a challenging process for many individuals. While practicing acceptance, you might find yourself being self-critical about your struggles to adapt, and that's perfectly normal. It's okay to take a short break and then try again. The key is to persist with what works for you and return to reality to begin anew.

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